Wednesday, March 5, 2014

ANTI-CORPOS- Contra Ataque (2014)

So I will admit this now, I've been listening to Anti Corpos for a little while now and I do not speak any Portuguese. I always trusted my guts when my brazilian friends told me that the lyrics were about really rad topics, but now with this EP I can speak with my own certainty of their incredible-ness

I had no idea that Anti Corpos was coming out with another record until I just so happen to stumble on their bandcamp. And HOLY SHIT this EP is maybe one of the best EP's I've heard in a long time. Plus for all you non Portuguese speaking folks out there (which is probably most of us) they posted the lyrics in english as well. The first song, "Sororidade" or "Sisterhood" not only has the best and most enticing sound clips but speak incredibly eloquently about heteronormativity: " our desires are constructed to fit the heteronormal standards//they imprison us, they mold us//reproducing this model would be to ignore all of the so many victims and using straight privileges" Listening to these three songs make me not only want to just jump out of my seat and not finish any of the work I have to do for the rest of the day, but they are just so incredibly powerful and empowering as a whole.

Anti Corpos describes themselves as an all lesbian hardcore band. which is honestly my dream band come true. Please buy and download everything from this incredible band. (queer hardcore bands that aren't from North America FTW). They sound in some ways really straight up hardcore (except not straight up if you know what i mean), although I'm having a hard time figuring out who they sound like? Someone help me with my punk musical description abilities.

FFO: Permanent Ruin, Sin Orden, Force Quit, Coke Bust, Manipulation, I don't know i'm just picking bands randomly probably.